Thursday, August 7, 2008

it's offical.

Only one third of Wolfmother remains.

I had heard several rumours regarding this but waited until an offical statement. Shame really.

Anyway, tommorrow is friday! Super happy about that BUT I have to stay afterschool to finish an english presentaion on shakespeare. Could have done it this weekend at someones house but no help there. Meh.

Mina lent me her copy of 'Eclipse' today...I haven't began reading it. Kinda hilarious really. She borrowed my copy of 'Twilight' and when we traded novels, we did it so quickly you'd think it was drugs.

Sorry if this post makes no sense. I'm tired. Very tired.

Peace xo


Anonymous said...

I rly don't like wolfmother, so it doesn't rly affect me. Skipping New Moon? That's a bad thing,

ashleymarie said...

Sorry I can't afford it.