Friday, August 8, 2008

I hate Star Wars.

but I kind of like this photograph...

I'm really glad it's the weekend. I'm pretty damn tired at the moment. Counting down the weeks until Queensland. I'm pretty damn excited to be quite frank, and I honestly can't wait until I'm away from my parents. Probably sounds rude but it's a much deserved break for everyone. I really need to go shopping either this weekend or next weekend, so if you're up for it and want to hang out, let me know. I need to get QLD supplies haha.
As we all know (and if you don't know it's pretty obvious you've been living under a rock for the past few years) the Olympics start tonight/tommorrow. I really don't even care. I'm not watching it. I refuse too (for those who know me well will infact know why I refuse to watch it). All I can say is 'Thank God for Foxtel!' I pity the poor souls who don't have it.

I hate scenequeens. I don't see the point in them. Really. No, I don't think they're a waste of space. They're a waste of MBs. I'll admit I'm fond of Audrey Kitching though. I think she's very pretty and isn't annoying. She, unlike other scenequeens, obviously doesn't need to date a musican 24/7 in order to do 'modelling' (lets face it, she's gotten further being single opposed to dating Brendon and Ronnie). Plus, she has a certin vibe to her.

The 'other' scenequeens basically, piss me off. I don't even understand why people find them attractive. They look like an everyday person. Nothing special. Except they have their photographs taken by professional photographers (which I could do too) and make (shitty) clothes and jewellery. Not to mention they over use photoshop like crazy. For example, I want overseas last year and I saw a certin scenequeen, who shall remian nameless, a few feet away from me. I'm surprised I even recognized her. She looks way different in real life than in her photos. Bad fake tan. Bad makeup. Also looks thinner in photos than real life. You're probably thinking I'm jealous. Nope. I'm not really. Sure, I get jealous easily (friends - you'd understand this. Especially Morgan) but I'm not jealous of these girls. What annoys me the most is that many people work their asses off to get into fashion or modelling but these girls do nothing but date musicians from shitty bands. It all comes easy for them. Hopefully this crap blows over soon. I know I probably sound like I'm contradicting myself when I say I like Audrey but can't stand the other scene queens, but trust me, Audrey is a lot more useful compared to the Hanna Beths and Jac Vaneks.

Yes, I just wrote a load of crap. Happy reading.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the word you are looking for to explain your feelings in this blog is "jealousy" and/or "envy".
