Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jared Followill's New....Facial Hair ?!

I usually don't 'gossip' in my blogs...well, okay, I do but rarely.
However, this isn't really 'gossip', more like...stating the facts on a certain musician? I don't know, but anyway....

Jared Followill's new facial hair.
Channelling a little bit of Caleb, I see. Prehaps he's just trying to shake-off the 'pretty boy' image? I don't know, however I hope it's not permanent. I kind of find it funny to be honest.
Seeing this photo though made me realise something (for some strange reason): Just how much I miss the Aha Shake Heartbreak days. Sigh.
PS: I was reading the paper today. They had an article on Twitter, which made me actually understand what it I signed up, obviously.

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