Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ah, that Earth pain - unique, unmistakable.

Everyone should read 'Veronika Decides To Die'. Great book.

I'm back using because I missed it so. I'm currently lounging on my bed, about to watch a dvd. The constant sound of cats fighting outside in the streets is bothering me a little. Don't they know about peace, love and friendship? Ha, I think not.

The sexiest man in the world is none other than Johnny Depp! Well, according to Cosmo anyway. Nevertheless, I couldn't agree more.
Brad Pitt's got nothing on J.Depp!

As most people are aware, I usually dislike politics, therefore never express an opinion regarding the subject. However, I'm about to write a little regarding the horridly 'boring' topic. I'd firstly like to applaud K.Rudd for giving money out to the Australian people. Yet, I find it amusing (well, not technically 'amusing', more like annoying and a little funny) that people still complain. After announcing his generous donation - which, I may add, was the first time a prime minister has done this in quite awhile - people start complaining and questioning where the money came from. However, if he had not given money to anyone, people would kick up a fuss about that. It's basically a 'no-win' situation which I find slightly frustrating.

Lastly, even though it's not technically a 'political topic', I'm glad that certain 'things' passed. Yes, its a touchy subject and everyone has an opinion..therefore I'm not naming it and I'm just going to end it here.

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